Authentic Bacon & Beer Flavor with Butter Buds®

Butter Buds offers “free-from” specialty flavors to help transform your applications into new, innovative culinary experiences. Our solutions, such as Butter Buds – Bacon and Dried Beer Extract, can help deliver concentrated flavors to your food and beverage applications that are free from animal products. Read on to learn how giving your consumers great, authentic flavors starts with Butter Buds.

Authentic Bacon Flavor

Bacon is a fan favorite addition to mealtime, whether on a sandwich, in a breakfast dish or even just as a side. In fact, 2 in 3 diners say that “everything tastes better with bacon.”1 With Butter Buds – Bacon you can add authentic bacon flavor without the use of any meat, making it ideal for vegetarian applications. It imparts true bacon flavor combined with fatty richness and mouthfeel without adding the fat and cholesterol associated with real bacon.

Further, we know that Millennials specifically are the most adventurous with bacon, with 66% willing to try a unique bacon-infused menu item1, such as:

  • Bacon milkshake
  • Bacon donut
  • Bacon cake

Strike any inspiration for your next food and beverage application?

Free-flowing Concentrated Beer Flavor

Another trending flavor is everyone’s go-to drink—beer! With Butter Buds Dried Beer Extract you can deliver the great taste of beer in an easy-to-use powdered form. Our proprietary spray-drying technology produces a free-flowing concentrated beer flavor. When you integrate Dried Beer Extract into your food applications, you can deliver hearty beer flavor without concerns over:

  • Safety
  • Licensing
  • Refrigeration
  • Handling
  • Cooking time

And, it’s a very versatile product. Dried Beer Extract can be added into sweet, savory and everything in between! Some popular applications include:

  • Meats, chili and stews with savory flavors
  • Baked goods with fermented nuance
  • Confections with sweet flavors

Cost Savings for You & Your Consumers

As bacon and beer continue to trend as popular flavors among consumers, it is crucial for food manufacturers to find cost-saving options. With Butter Buds – Bacon and Dried Beer Extract, you can do just that. Because of the low usage rates and high flavor concentration, they can be cost-effective solutions for you and your consumers.

Looking for something other than bacon or beer? Butter Buds also offers a broad range of dairy-free offerings beyond bacon and beer flavors. Learn more about trending non-dairy flavors and our portfolio in our latest blog.

Explore more about Butter Buds – Bacon’s flavor profile here.

Learn more about the benefits of using Dried Beer Extract here.
